About Homecrest

About Homecrest
The Good Life Realized
Making Cabinets more accessible, more attainable and more sustainable
However you define "good," Homecrest Cabinetry has a style and selection that fits your life. And the service to make sure your project a cinch! Our goal is to offer quality cabinets that help you express your style and make your home your own.
The Masterbrand Connection
The MasterBrand Connection
Homecrest is a part of the MasterBrand Cabinets LLC portfolio of products, an industry leading cabinet manufacturer that comprises a breadth of quality cabinet brands. Since 1926, the MasterBrand family has earned its reputation as one of America's top cabinet makers, and Homecrest has helped MasterBrand achieve this. Stylish. Durable. Well-priced. These are the defining qualities of Homecrest and all of MasterBrand's cabinet lines. Visit MasterBrand to learn more about our heritage.
Our Culture
Our Culture
At Homecrest, we believe that your home should make your life easier and more enjoyable. And because today's home is always changing – one moment it's about preparing pasta and, the next, it's uncorking a good merlot and sharing it with close friends – we strive to provide life solutions that meet your needs. So as you plan and dream a new space, remember what it is you do and love most, because guests will come and go, but you and your home are forever.
Our History
Our History
1969 had an energy all its own. It brought us Woodstock and set the stage for Watergate. It was a year of small steps for man and giant leaps for cabinetry, as a small factory in Goshen, Indiana cranked out peace, love and happiness one quality cabinet at a time.
40 years later, Homecrest is a brand still in tune with the tastes of the time. One that offers styles and finishes that bridge the gap between years past and fashion forward, mind-blowing organization and time-honored reverence for craftsmanship. We've spent every working hour over these past four decades thinking of ways to make our cabinets better and our partnerships even more sustainable. Investing with an eye on the future and a heart rooted in the past – it's how you change things for the best. And it's why building Homecrest cabinets never gets old.
Our Dealers
Our Dealers
Homecrest trusts its local partners to work with you on your project. We believe our dealers provide invaluable service that helps make your project happen how and when you want it to. Dealers measure the space, assist with design, order the product and arrange for installation. They also stand behind the product, addressing any challenges that may arise right then, right now. This degree of attentiveness can only be accomplished at a local level.
Quality and Sustainability
Quality and Sustainability
Our products meet or exceed the ANSI A161.1 performance and construction standards for kitchen and vanity cabinets as certified by ICC-ES (International Code Council – Evaluation Service).
We have a cultural foundation for doing the right thing for people and our planet. We are building upon our solid framework by continuously exploring additional opportunities to protect our environment, empower our employees and operate our company under robust corporate governance policies and comprehensive oversight.
Learn More about MasterBrand's Quality Certifications and Environmental Programs